Run BaGetter on your Computer
Run BaGetter
- Install the .NET Core SDK
- Download and extract BaGetter's latest release
- Start the service with
dotnet BaGetter.dll
- Browse
in your browser
Configure BaGetter
You can modify BaGetter's configurations by editing the appsettings.json
file. For the full list of configurations, please refer to BaGetter's configuration guide.
Publish packages
Publish your first package with:
dotnet nuget push -s http://localhost:5000/v3/index.json package.1.0.0.nupkg
Publish your first symbol package with:
dotnet nuget push -s http://localhost:5000/v3/index.json symbol.package.1.0.0.snupkg
You should secure your server by requiring an API Key to publish packages. For more information, please refer to the Require an API Key guide.
Restore packages
You can restore packages by using the following package source:
Some helpful guides:
Symbol server
You can load symbols by using the following symbol location:
For Visual Studio, please refer to the Configure Debugging guide.