Import NuGet.Server packages
NuGet.Server is a lightweight standalone NuGet server. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to BaGetter if you use NuGet.Server. Feel free to open a GitHub issue if you need help migrating.
Please refer to the BaGetter vs NuGet.Server page for reasons to upgrade to BaGetter.
Make sure that you've installed nuget.exe. In PowerShell, run:
$source = "<NuGet.Server package source>"
$destination = "<BaGetter package source>"
If you've configured BaGetter to require an API Key, set it using the setapikey
& nuget.exe setapikey "MY-API-KEY" -Source $destination
Now run the following PowerShell script:
if (!(Test-Path "Web.config")) {
throw "Please run this script in the same directory as NuGet.Server's Web.config file"
(& nuget.exe list -AllVersions -Source $source).Split([Environment]::NewLine) | % {
$id = $_.Split(" ")[0].Trim()
$version = $_.Split(" ")[1].Trim()
$path = [IO.Path]::Combine("Packages", $id, $version, "${id}.${version}.nupkg")
Write-Host "nuget.exe push -Source $destination ""$path"""
& nuget.exe push -Source $destination $path