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BaGetter SDK

You can use BaGetter's BaGetter.Protocol package to interact with a NuGet server.

Getting Started

Install the BaGetter.Protocol package:

dotnet add package BaGetter.Protocol

List Package Versions

Find all versions of the Newtonsoft.Json package:

NuGetClient client = new NuGetClient("");

IReadOnlyList<NuGetVersion>> versions = await client.ListPackageVersionsAsync("Newtonsoft.Json");

foreach (NuGetVersion version in versions)
Console.WriteLine($"Found version: {version}");

Download a package

NuGetClient client = new NuGetClient("");

string packageId = "Newtonsoft.Json";
NuGetVersion packageVersion = new NuGetVersion("12.0.1");

using (Stream packageStream = await client.DownloadPackageAsync(packageId, packageVersion))
Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded package {packageId} {packageVersion}");

Find Package Metadata

NuGetClient client = new NuGetClient("");

// Find the metadata for all versions of a package.
IReadOnlyList<PackageMetadata> items = await client.GetPackageMetadataAsync("Newtonsoft.Json");
if (!items.Any())
Console.WriteLine($"Package 'Newtonsoft.Json' does not exist");

foreach (var metadata in items)
Console.WriteLine($"Version: {metadata.Version}");
Console.WriteLine($"Listed: {metadata.Listed}");
Console.WriteLine($"Tags: {metadata.Tags}");
Console.WriteLine($"Description: {metadata.Description}");

// Or, find the metadata for a single version of a package.
string packageId = "Newtonsoft.Json"
NuGetVersion packageVersion = new NuGetVersion("12.0.1");

PackageMetadata metadata = await client.GetPackageMetadataAsync(packageId, packageVersion);

Console.WriteLine($"Listed: {metadata.Listed}");
Console.WriteLine($"Tags: {metadata.Tags}");
Console.WriteLine($"Description: {metadata.Description}");

Search for packages

Search for "json" packages:

NuGetClient client = new NuGetClient("");
IReadOnlyList<SearchResult> results = await client.SearchAsync("json");

foreach (SearchResult result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"Found package {result.PackageId} {searchResult.Version}");